Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Please enter your blog address on the class list.

If you've created your blog, been working on posts to it, and have entered your blog address on the class list, then please disregard this post. If you haven't updated the class with with your blog address, then read on:

Since the class to date has focused on genres of writing, like notes, summaries, writing responses, etc., which help students learn and professionals become better at their jobs, setting up a blog and making sure others (and I) can see your notes, responses, etc. and learn from what you've written is an essential aspect of this class. If you need help getting your blog started, write. If you're just procrastinating. Get on the ball.

In a week or two, I'll have to make decisions about who to keep on the class roll, and one of the measures I'll use is who has done the reading and work to date. If I can't visit your blog and see the work you've done, that is, if you haven't created a blog and updated the class list with your current address. I have no way of knowing if you're doing the reading and work for the class, and I'll have to conclude you are on the path to failing the class. I drop students who are failing the class, not attending, and/or not doing the work. It ends up being better for them, and it ends up creating a better learning environment for the folks who remain on the roll.

1 comment:

ETNY4EVER said...

Hello, I am a little confused on just how to add my blog to the classlist.
Lauren Morris